Having your own therapy table can be a great adjunct to your exercise program, particularly if you are currently having difficulty getting down to the floor, your own bed is too squishy, or maybe have a pet who thinks lying on the ground is their cue for cuddle time. (I won't mention any names, Maisy.)
I have had a few clients 'wish' out loud that they had my treatment table to do their exercises on. While I splurged for a high quality professional model, there are actually tables out there that are more affordable than you think.
Some things to consider when purchasing a table besides price:
table weight
weight capacity (your weight)
width/height/length (and the space you have for it)
adjustable features (like face cradle, adjustable leg height, elevating back rest)
Here are a few higher ranked portable/foldable options on Amazon to peruse:
Least Expensive: 73 inch Portable Folding Massage Table with Face Cradle
(comes in several colors)
click on image below to view
For Taller Clients: 84 inch Portable Folding Massage Table with Elevating Backrest
(comes in several colors)
click on image below to view
The Splurge: Made in USA, Oakworks Massage Table (550lb weight capacity)
click on image below to view
Sustainable: Earthlite
click image below to view
For a fun Pop of Color:
click image below
Other recommended brands with great reviews:
click on image below
click image below
